Created in 1965 by Leon-Claude Duhamel, the K-Way idea was to provide people with outerwear that easily provided quick shelter from the rain in sudden downpours. The innovative designs were made in nylon - waterproof but also light so easy to pack away.
Practical yet fashionable rainy day wear from K-Way
With rain pummelling the pavements of Paris, a young Frenchman sat observing people dashing through the sodden streets, and thought that a simple jacket to help protect people from getting caught in the dampening drizzle would be a brilliant creation. Now in a full range of fashionable colours and style, K-Way is the perfect brand to keep us dry whilst still looking good. With their sporty styling, K-Way macs look cute with neoprene a-line skirts and women's high top trainers, especially with your jacket in bold colours like strong blues and pillar box bright red.
Embrace damp days with K-Way
Lightweight and packable, K-Way waterproofs are super versatile and practical - handy to simply have in your bag for those unexpected moments when the heavens open. Adopting elements of catwalk trends, K-Way looks for the newest colours to ensure you're always at the forefront of fashion. For a little extra cosiness, we're loving the down jackets in the K-Way range. Great to be prepared for showers in colder months, they have reversible linings in high shine fabrications that look extra slick with skinny jeans and a wool scarf.